law to penalize politicians for interceding with government agencies on behalf of businesses for personal gain 意味
- あっせん利得処罰法{りとく しょばつ ほう}
- law law n. (1) 法律, (一般的に)法; 掟(おきて); 慣例, ならわし; 《口語》 警察(官). 【動詞+】 abrogate a law
- penalize penalize v. 罰する; 〔競技〕 …にペナルティーを科す; 苦しめる, 不利にする. 【副詞1】 penalize sb heavily
- agencies {名-1} : 代理店{だいりてん}、代理権{だいりけん} I bought my ticket at a travel agency.
- behalf behalf n. 利益, ため. 【前置詞+】 I put in a good word in your behalf.
- personal personal adj. 私的な, 個人的な. 【副詞】 government intervention in deeply personal
- gain 1gain n. 利益, 利得; 増加. 【動詞+】 Their enterprise accrued far more gains than
- to penalize to penalize 罰する ばっする
- government agencies 諸官庁
- personal gain 私利{しり}、個人的利益{こじんてき りえき} Betting and gambling for personal gain is prohibited
- on behalf of on behalf of 為に ために
- discussion to tighten the law to penalize politicians and their aides who intercede with government agencies on behalf of businesses for personal gain あっせん利得処罰法{りとく しょばつ ほう}の強化論議{きょうか ろんぎ}
- law that penalizes politicians for interceding with government on behalf of businesses あっせん利得処罰法{りとく しょばつ ほう}
- legislation that would punish politicians who act as brokers between government ministries and agencies and the businesses they oversee あっせん利得処罰法{りとく しょばつ ほう}
- law to penalize politicians for interfering in contracts for money あっせん利得処罰法{りとく しょばつ ほう}
- "law to criminalize child prostitution and child pornography" 意味
- "law to establish the seat apportionment council" 意味
- "law to help homeless people become financially independent" 意味